Forglemmegei (Forgetmenot)

 Forglemmegei (Forgetmenot)

"Forglemmegei" is a project exploring our human need to preserve youth and life. This is put in contrast by the realities of nature, the inevitable transience of the individual.
Through seemingly absurd photographs the longing for what’s lost and the subcountious need for alternative realities is investigated. In the project one can find a variety of photographic garnas. There are microscopic images of pollen capsules and cancer cells in proliferation, recreations of  old memories, visualisations of moods connected to the concept, and documentary from underwater and powerful nature scenes.

On a personal level the body of work is dedicated to my grandmother, Eva Kanutte Fjørtoft. Many elements in the project are based on her being, the memory of her and a personal need to further develop the friendship between us. Based on my own experience of loss and a sudden awareness of my own ageing, I try to understand our human relation to death as our only given fact.


Thank you to everyone whom have helped me in the creation of this project